Final Program PRBlogWeek2We are heading the Global PR Blog Week 2.0!
Here it is the final program.
Blog relations - pitching bloggers; engaging bloggersAlice Marshall - Developer and Software Process blogs, how blogging is shaping the technology debate.
(*) Tim Fischer: Managing Blog Relations – Strategic Steps for PR with Weblogs
reviewers: Kevin Dugan, Neville Hobson, Colin McKay
Building an audience for a blogBL Ochman -- Building an audience for a blog (includes tips and tools, and leading business models for blogs)
John Cass - Exploration of this issue through data from respondents to the 2005 corporate blogging survey
reviewers: Anita Campbell, Alice Marshall, Mark Rose
CEO blogs(*) Jeneane Sessum: Adding Your Voice to the Conversation — Why CEOs Should Blog
(*) Dave Taylor: Why CEOs shouldn't blog
reviewers: Robb Hecht, Jeneane Sessum, Dave Taylor
Communities - Business blogging communities/blog aggregators (e.g. Sun, Microsoft, HP)Elizabeth Albrycht - Blogs: Foundational Tools for Community Network Building
Niall Cook: Hill & Knowlton case study: Implementing a business blogging community
reviewers: Niall Cook, Michael O'Connor Clarke, Mark Rose
Consulting - PR Agencies & New MediaMark Rose - Blogging & PR Firms: Resistance, Challenges, Opportunities - podcast/videocast with Richard Edelman, Matt Harrington (Edelman NY), Jim Horton, David Weinberger (invited), NY Times Business Editor/Reporter
Niall Cook: Practising what you preach: does it really matter?
reviewers: Niall Cook, Peter Himler, Shel Holtz, Alice Marshall, Colin McKay, Mark Rose
Customer Generated MarketingKevin Dugan: Consumer Generated Marketing - The Customer is always right
Neville Hobson: (Title pending)| Topic: Vigilante journalism
Colin McKay: How to find space for PR in B2C and B2B consumer generated marketing
(*) Joel Cere: Consumer Generated Marketing or Consumer Generated Mayhem? Myths, Hopes & Realities
reviewers: Elizabeth Albrycht, John Cass, Kevin Dugan, Robb Hecht, Neville Hobson, Mark Rose
Education - New PR educationRobert French - Case studies: Auburn University - Class Blogs & - Engaging students and professionals in experiential education
(*) Thomas Pleil - Weblogs in PR education: a German case study
Chris Bechtel - New PR in the Corporate World: Best practices in educating staffers and executives
reviewers: Bernard Goldbach, Josh Hallett, Robb Hecht, Constantin Basturea
External blogsJohn Cass: The Value of Corporate Blogging, Results from Backbone Media's 2nd Corporate Blogging Survey
Kevin Dugan: Interview with Bryan McCleary?, Crest brand manager, Procter and Gamble (Insight into P&G's 900+ person external relations group and how PR plays a role in the Crest brand)
Robb Hecht: Interview with Tony Russo, CEO, Euro RSCG PR (Topic: Healthcare PR & Blogging)
Robb Hecht: Brand Blogging & CGM
Ryan May: Corporate Blogging - Moving Forward (How corporate America is adjusting to the saturated blogging market)
reviewers: Elizabeth Albrycht, Robert French, Alice Marshall, Ryan May
Fake blogs(*) Dave Taylor: Fake Blogs: New Marketing Channel or Really Bad Idea?
reviewers: Michael O'Connor Clarke
Global - Business blogs around the world(*) Wayne Hurlbert - Business blogs: Not just North America anymore
reviewers: Neville Hobson, Michael O'Connor Clarke
Internal blogs(*) Christopher Hannegan - Internal Blogs for employee communications
(*) Matias Fernandez Dutto - How to designing powerful conversations that open possibilities for action and colaboration with blogs
reviewers: Britt Parrott, Robert French, Shel Holtz, Ryan May
Government & citizensStuart Bruce - Politician's blogs, the role of blogs in e-democracy
Stuart Bruce - Blogs: power to the citizen
Robert French - State & Local School Board Use of Blogs & RSS Tracking - Adopting RSS aggregators and an internal blog to further track online impressions
reviewers: Colin McKay, Alice Marshall
Legal issuesColin McKay: The complexities of government blogging in a dynamic policy environment
reviewers: Neville Hobson
Mainstream media and citizen journalismOctavio Rojas - The situation in Spain Alice Marshall - Interview with Ann McDaniel, Vice President, Washington Post Company.
Alice Marshall - Interview with Ruediger Lentz, Washington Bureau Chief for Deutsche Welle.
reviewers: Kevin Dugan, Michael O'Connor Clarke, Peter Himler, Jeneane Sessum
Non-profit - blogging for non-profit orgsRobert French - Easter Seals & Camping Case Study - Implementing blogs to engage donors, parents and consumers (campers)
PodcastingShel Holtz: Rationalizing business podcasting
Neville Hobson: Podcasting: The informal voice of internal communication
reviewers: John Cass, Robert French, Bernard Goldbach, Shel Holtz, Mark Rose
Product blogs(*) Jeff Hardison: Opening a Product's Hood through Blogs - Interview with Jud Branam, Hass MS&L, PR counselor behind GM's FastLane product blog
reviewers: Dave Taylor
SEO(*) Wayne Hurlbert: Blog SEO: Beyond counting links
Tools & TrendsAnita Campbell: Six Ways Businesses Are Using RSS for Competitive Advantage
Shel Holtz: Blogs vs. press releases
Tom Murphy: Pragmatic Public Relations
Constantin Basturea: New media technologies and the rise of dialogic public relations
(*) Lindsay Olson - Public relations and Recruiting | How recruiters look at blogging and PR bloggers for job placement – the pros and cons of blogging while searching for employment.
(*) Bob Wyman: The Power of Prospective Search
(*) Bob Wyman: Blogs & Prospective Search technology for Corporate Reputation Management
(*) Sally Falkow: Blogs and RSS - the hottest Internet marketing strategy for 2005
(*) Michael O'Connor Clarke: Who said that? New tools for monitoring blogs and buzz
(*) Jon Froda & Jesper Bindslev: Goodbye Bounded Entity!! Or how Multi-Directional Communication and Corporate Blogging transcends and alters Organisational Boundaries
reviewers: Anita Campbell, Jeneane Sessum, Dave Taylor
Transparency & EthicsElizabeth Albrycht - Is Transparency the Key to Improving PR's Reputation?
reviewers: Philip Young, Shel Holtz, Mark Rose, John Cass, Robert French, Dave Taylor
Podcast interviewsRobert French - Group Interviews with PR Educators - Philip Young & John Hitchens, and Leeds Business School's Richard Bailey or Group Interviews with Global PR Blow Week Participants
Eric Schwartzman - Beyond the press release; building thought leadership through original programming podcasts
Chris Bechtel - Podcast round up; a discussion of businesses using podcasts to communicate with their constituents.
Topic TBD(*) Peter Himler: Why I Take the Time to Blog
(*) Steve Rubel: Why Creating Community is in Every PR Person's Job Description
(*) Italo Vignoli: Growing a PR blog in a different language
(*) Dan Forbush: Micro Media on Campus: How Academic Public Information Officers Are Putting the New Tools to Work
(*) Dan Forbush: A Proposal for a New Experiment in Wikitorials
(*) Giovanni Rodriguez: Groupwise - innovation and new media in the age of collaboration
(*) Michael O'Connor Clarke: No Spin Zone - what your Corporate Communications department should do about employee blogs
(*) Jeremy Pepper: Views from the last year – a compendium of highlights of interviews from the past year | Subject: PR and blogging
(*) Peter Shankman: PR Bloggers... Are we all just full of shit?
AdministratorsSept. 19-23: Robert French, Constantin Basturea
Anthony V Parcero - TBD
Tuesday, September 20 - Dee Rambeau
Wednesday, September 21 - Bernard Goldbach, Neville Hobson, Dee Rambeau
Thursday, September 22 - Bernard Goldbach, Dee Rambeau
NewPRWiki - PRBlogWeek2.FinalProgram