jueves, diciembre 23, 2004

Tu nombre es un anuncio... y no te pagan por ello

Los grandes buscadores están "apropiándose" de nombres de líderes de opinión para alimentar su publicidad contextual sin pagar nada por ello.

Steve Rubel, de Micropersuasion, se ha percatado de que cuando alguien realiza una búsqueda de su nombre en algunos buscadores la publicidad contextual que aparece es la relativa a blogs, en este caso a Blogpulse (el buscador especializado de blogs de Intelliseek).

A Rubel le ha hecho gracia, pero no sé si a otros les parecerá igual de divertido saber que sus nombres se utilizan para crear tráfico a la página web de una empresa, con los beneficios que eso crea puede crearle, pero sin ver un centavo por ello.

¿Esta práctica es legal? ¿Es ético aprovecharse del prestigio de una persona y utilizar su nombre sin su conocimiento y autorización previa con fines claramente comerciales? ¿Se tendrá que reglamentar al respecto para evitar abusos o retribuir a las personas cuyos nombres crean beneficios para terceros?

El tema se lo han tomado en serio en Blogpulse y Peter Blackshaw, Director de Marketing, ha respondido. A continuación incluyo los comentarios de este post:
Isn't it illegal to buy a person's name for advertising? Did you receive any money for this?
This is news and will post about it following your answer.
Posted by: Octavio Isaac Rojas Orduña | December 18, 2004 11:54 AM

No, I never received any money for this nor do I know if it's illegal. I know the Intelliseek folks, so I am not upset by this at all. I actually found it funny. I imagine they bought keywords for several different bloggers. Maybe Pete Blackshaw will fill us in.
Posted by: Steve Rubel | December 18, 2004 12:05 PM

I just talked about this on Monday at the Jupiter Search Engine Conference -- not Steve Rubel specifically, but the notion of anchoring search buys against key influencers. Last Spring, we launched www.blogpulse.com and I didn't have a great deal of money to spend for marketing, so I simply anchored my trial and awareness strategy to a RELEVANT universe of keywords. Steve Rubel was one of dozens of such keywords. The logic was that anyone who sought information related to Steve Rubel (a popular blogger) might also be interested in BlogPulse.com. Turns out I only pulled about a 1.5% click-through rate, against modest volume (sorry, Steve) but I will note that the so-so conversion stemmed in part from the fact that the ad wasn't terribly customized.

In July, I purchased just about every keyword related to Barack Obama and the actual ad said something like "See The Buzz on Barack Obama" (which led to a BlogPulse chart) and this resulted in nearly 10% click-through. I also received tremendous volume because I bought all the top-shelf keywords related to Obama well before others discovered him, and before the Democratic convention catapulted him to Rock Star status. Now, one reason why buzz analysis is so relevant to search buys is that you can better forecast demand, which in turn puts you in a better position to optimize your buy, thereby getting higher ROI. Knowing that Barack Obama was on an upward buzz trajectory allowed me to "beat the competition to the punch," so to speak, in buying search engine investory. Capitalizing on the curiousity of folks curious about Obama allowed me to drive a ton of high-conversion traffic to BlogPulse.

But back to Steve Rubel. In case anyone is curious about how Mr. Rubel is trending on the BlogPulse charts, here's a link:
-- Pete Blackshaw
Posted by: Pete Blackshaw | December 18, 2004 02:14 PM

As for the issue of the ethics/legality of personal names being bought to drive traffic, Google themselves have in the past bought names of prominent machine learning and other research scientists who are not employed or affiliated with Google to pull in adverts for working at google.
Posted by: Matthew Hurst | December 19, 2004 10:15 AM

Y a tí, ¿te importaría que utilizaran tu nombre para crear tráfico a una empresa sin recibir nada a cambio?

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