Foto de página: Scott Goldblatt y Michael Phelps
Los atletas no podrán actualizar sus blogs desde Atenas
El nadador norteamericano Scott Goldblatt mantiene un blog desde Atenas, Grecia, donde participará en varias pruebas de los Juegos Olímpicos. El 10 de agosto escribió un post en el que informaba que el COI estaba restringiendo la posibilidad de que los atletas pudieran actualizar sus bitácoras desde la capital helena:
That was the big news yesterday as it hit my email inbox. It seemed that blogging was outlawed here at the Games. After further research, I found that each federation (country) holds the right to choose what they do and do not allow. I found out that Canada, so it seems, is not able to blog according to reports (see at my website) from bloggers around the web. Seemingly this news spread awfully quick, and I had to be just as fast to respond. I talked with the media officials from USA Swimming and they assured me that I was able to go ahead with these blogs, as long as, I do not move into the territory of journalism? But where does that line get drawn?
Resulta extraña la respuesta de la propia federación de natación de los EEUU, porque, como indica Scott, ¿dónde está la línea que separa escribir posts para un blog personal y hacer periodismo, sobre todo si quien escribe es el protagonista mismo de la noticia?
Hoy, jueves 12, ha ido más lejos, arremetiendo contra el COI y sus escándalos:
The IOC technically owns the rights to the Olympics. This in turn means that they can sell advertising to the sponsors of their choosing. We as athletes see nothing from these revenues, and the IOC continually cashes in on our performances. We as athletes are unable to promote individual sponsors that we may have, which is why I promote them heavily on my website, and by word of mouth. Personally I do not particularly care for the restrictions we have. It impedes our ability as athletes to make a living, while enabling the IOC to throw around money in scandals left and right.
En medio de los escándalos del COI, lo último que necesitan es echarse en contra a la blogósfera.
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