lunes, febrero 27, 2006

Moblog PR hacks from PR Blogger

1. Promoting an area for tourism or economic development? Get residents and business to join a moblog of pictures that promote it
2. Looking for NGO/charity volunteers? Get your existing volunteers to create a moblog of images showing the work they do. Much more inspiring than just text.
3. Promoting a gig or a film? Build buzz by getting cast and crew to contribute to a moblog.
4. Brand communications... get brand fans and advocates to participate in building a moblog of images about the brand they love.
5. Internal communications: this one is genius - build an internal moblog that people can send photos of everyday working life, major events, etc etc. Great, friendly way to build an audience for a internal blog or wiki, perhaps?
6. Moblog your media event... I think you'd need to find a way to make this interesting, but it could definitely work.
7. Single issue campaign with a strong message... Stephen cites the "We are not afraid" campaign after the 7th July bombings in London as an example of getting people to participate creatively in a collective statement of a powerful message.
8. Crisis communications... Stephen's not sure of the use here, but he's sure there is one.

Via Open.

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